A Tool for Making Better Decisions
The EFS is a valid and reliable measure for frailty, which can be can be used alone or in combination with other measures. Compared to other frailty measures, the EFS has some of the following advantages:
Big Picture
The overall score on the EFS helps by grading fitness and frailty along a continuum. Understanding how a person is positioned on the spectrum of frailty is a powerful way to estimate their prognosis. It also helps the individual, their family and their care partners make decisions that are in line with their overall life goals.
The EFS is one of just a few frailty assessment tools that capture multidimensional aspects of frailty. The EFS is used to flag more specific issues that warrant closer attention and follow up. In this way, healthcare providers can use frailty information to create an individualized care plan to be discussed with the person who has been assessed.
Ease of Use
The EFS is easy to use in both in-patient and outpatient settings. In just 5-10 minutes, the healthcare provider administering the EFS has a global perspective of the individual’s frailty, has identified specific elements of frailty that warrant followup, and is better prepared to recommend an individualized plan for care and support.
Frailty Inclusive Care: Creating Meaningful Relationships
Learn more about the EFS based on your role:
“There hasn’t been enough education about how important frailty is and I think that the more people are looking for it, the more they will find it. I think that the Edmonton Frail Scale is something that everyone can adopt and get behind.”
“As much as I hate to say it, I think mobility is still a key factor in defining frailty and the prevention of frailty…The other one is mental attitude towards health and we are seeing a societal shift towards doing the right kinds of things to maintain your health.”
Training Resources & Learning Modules have been created to learn how to properly administer and score the Edmonton Frail Scale.
The EFS has been translated into many languages, with more currently underway. Contact us if you are interested in using the EFS and need a translated version.